Mac system storage huge not time machine
Mac system storage huge not time machine

mac system storage huge not time machine

Sudo tmutil associatedisk mount_point volume_backup_directory – reconfigures backup history by binding a volume directory to the local disk.

#Mac system storage huge not time machine mac

Sudo tmutil inheritbackup backup_set – claims an existing set of backups, which can be a sparsebundle, for the current Mac Sudo tmutil removedestination destination_id – removes the backup destination from the list use the destination_id UUID given by destinationinfo. The -p option brings an interactive prompt to enter the password. Sudo tmutil setdestination – sets the destination to an AFP or SMB network share. Sudo tmutil setdestination mount_point – sets the destination to the mount_point given when used without any option, this replaces the existing destination with the -a option the new destination is added to the list rather than replacing it. Tmutil machinedirectory – prints the path to the current machine directory for this Mac Tmutil destinationinfo – details the current backup destination This can be exceedingly slow to delete a set of backups, where it starts with the earliest and steadily chugs through removing them one by one. Sudo tmutil delete backup_path – deletes the backup specified. Tmutil verifychecksums path – report any problems with checksums in backups (10.11 and later) Options specify what to include in the comparison, and how deep to look in the directory tree. Tmutil compare -options path1 path2 – a complex command which compares the contents of any two backups, or the Mac against the latest backup. Tmutil calculatedrift machine_directory – analyses the amount of change between backups. Tmutil uniquesize path – report the actual size of a backup, excluding any hard links Tmutil listbackups – prints the paths to all backups for this Mac

mac system storage huge not time machine

Tmutil latestbackup – prints the path to the latest backup Tmutil restore source dest – restores the item source from a backup to the path dest. Tmutil stopbackup – cancels the current backup in progress Of these, –auto is recommended, as the backup is then scheduled using the normal mechanism, and most closely resembles a regular automatic backup. Tmutil startbackup – starts making a backup if one is not already in progress, and can take options –auto –block –rotation –destination. Sudo tmutil disable – turns automatic backups off Sudo tmutil enable – turns automatic backups on

mac system storage huge not time machine

These replicate the controls available in the Time Machine pane. This article summarise the capabilities and use of the last of those, and is based on the current release, version 4.0.0 supplied in Catalina 10.15.2.Īlthough the tmutil man page is up to date and worth referring to when using this tool, it originated before APFS snapshots, and you may find its use of that term confusing: it refers to backups as both backups and snapshots, and you should be very careful to check whether the word snapshots refers to Time Machine backups, or to APFS local snapshots. The three tools which Apple provides to control Time Machine are its System Preferences pane, the Time Machine app itself, and the command tool tmutil.

Mac system storage huge not time machine